


李幸瑾 副教授














Ph. D., Department of English (Teaching English as Foreign Language), University of Birmingham, UK, 2006
          Title of thesis: Using English Children's Literature in Particular Arthur Ransome's Swallows and Amazons for

          Teaching EFL in Taiwan
M.A. Department of English (Teaching English as Foreign Language), University of Birmingham, UK, 2001

          Title of thesis: Teaching English Children's Literature to Taiwanese Senior High School Students

B.A., Department of English (English Language and Literature), Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, 1992
Graduation Certificate (Arts) Taipei Municipal Girl’s Normal College, Taiwan, 1982


國立台北商業大學 應外系主任

國立台北商業大學 國際事務長

國立台北商業學院 教務處 語言中心主任

國立台北商業學院 研發處 國際合作組長

台北市立永春高中英語教師 (台北市高中英語科教師輔導團成員老師)

德國 漢堡 遊學 (1993-1995)


英國 倫敦 遊學 (1989-1990)



Journal Papers

  1. Lee, H.C. (2014). Social Media and Student Learning Behavior: Plugging into Mainstream Music Offers Dynamic Ways to Learn English, Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 496-501(SSCI)
  2. Hsing-chin Lee. (2013), Investigating the effects of student learning of English using COL approach based on situational theories, Computers in Human Behavior, 29 (6), 2211-2217 (ranking 22/125, IF 2.293, SSCI)
  3. Lee, H.C. (2011). When East Meets West: Cultural Similarities and Dissimilarities in Arthur Ransome’s Children’s Books.  International Research Journal Language, Society and Culture, (33), pp. 53-63. Australia.
  4. Lee, H.C. (2011). A Process Approach to Developing Students’ Extended 2000-Word Project-Based Writing. Studies in English Language and Literature. No. 27, February 2011, pp.205-214. 英語語言與文學學刊
  5. 李幸瑾 (2010) 從台灣看亞洲地區ELF之研究概況. English Career 34: 新思維與新策略 提升英語戰力 , pp.62-63.
  6. Johns, Tim F., Hsing-chin, Lee & Lixun Wang (2008). ‘Integrating corpus-based CALL programs in teaching English through children’s literature’, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 21:5, 483–506. UK: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR FRANCIS LTD (Ranking: 73/206 (Education & Educational Research), 50/162 (Linguistics), IF 0.915, SSCI)

Book Chapters

  1. Lee, H.C. (2021). A Glimpse of Pedagogical Impacts of Social Media: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Expanding Global Horizons Through Technology Enhanced Language Learning. Yun Wen · Yi-ju Wu · Grace Qi · Siao-Cing Guo · J. Michael Spector · Shobhana Chelliah · Kinshuk · Yu-Ju Lan Editors. Springer. Scopus, Web of Science Book Citation Index
  2. Lee, H.C. (2015). Teaching English Through Children's Literature (ISBN: 978-1- 941214-16-9). Taiwan: Lynx Publishing Company. Nov, 2015.

  3. Lee, H.C. (2012). Summary-based Comprehension Exercises For Effective Learning. Innovation and Empowerment in English Instruction, 英語教學的創新與創能 (ISBN 986-147-537-0), pp. 215-223, Taipei, Taiwan, Crane.

  4. Lee, H.C. (2010). A Brief Report on the Conduct and Effect of a MOE Subsided English Enhancing Program at NTCB. Constructing New Strategies for English Instruction Conference, pp.65-74, May 21, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan. Crane. 建構英語文教學新策略(ISBN 978-986-147-4076)

  5. Lee, H.C. (2009). When the Traditional Teaching Approaches Meet the Collaborative Online Learning (COL). NTCB Foreign Languages and Literature Studies, pp. 83-94. July 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. Crane.

Published Translations/Books

  1. H.C. Lee (2004) Swallows and Amazons (first published by Jonathan Cape 1930) (小水手探險記), Taiwan: Commercial Press (臺灣商務印書館).
  2. Lee, H.C. (2015). Teaching English Through Children's Literature (ISBN: 978-1- 941214-16-9). Nov, 2015. Copyright © 2015, Rodney Martin, chapter 6, Editor and consultant, Rodney Martin. Published by Lynx Publishing Company

Conference Papers/Presentations

  1. H.C. Lee (2020). A Glimpse of Pedagogical Impacts of Social Media: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? PPTELL 2020 & Critical Thinking Meeting Expanding Global Horizon through Technology Enhanced Language Learning and Critical Thinking, Jun.29-Jul.1., UNT, Denton, Texas, USA
  2. H.C.Lee (2019). Big Data vs.English Learning: An Exploration of a Self-compiled Corpus Through the Use of Data-Driven Learning (DDL) Approach. [AI 於數位學習上的應用], 2019 人工智慧與商業應用研討會. Nov.15, National Taipei University of Business, Taipei, Taiwan
  3. I-Ting Doris Lin, Yu-Cheng Vincent Chou, Wen-Chi Vivian Wu, H. C. Lee (2018). The relationship between university students’ behavior and their learning efficiency via idiom-based mobile application: A sequential analysis. The XIXth International CALL Conference: CALL in Context, 4-6 July 2018, Bruges, Belgium
  4. Lee, H.C. (2018). E-Learning: Application of MOOCs at a University Level of EFL. The 52nd Annual International IATEFL Conference & Exhibition, April 9-13, Brighton, UK
  5. Qiang MIAO, J. C. YANG, H. C. Lee (2017). Effect of Immersive Digital Gaming Experience on Elementary Students’ L2 Learning. International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Dec. 4th-8th. Christchurch, New Zealand.
  6. Lee, H.C. (2017). Effect of an Open Book Test in Junior Year’s English Listening and Speaking. Paper presented in The 26th Annual Taiwan ETA International Conference: How Well is the 21st Century Living up to It’s Promises for ELT? 11-12th, Nov. 2011, Taipei, Taiwan. Crane.
  7. Lee, H.C. (2016). Applying MOOCs to Standard Courses: Some Facts. International Workshop on Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL 2016), In Conjunction with the 1st International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education (SETE 2016) and the 15th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2016). Oct. 26th -29, 2016, Roma, Italy.
  8. Lee, H.C. (2016). Language Variation of Asian ELF Speakers: Take Two to 'Tangle'. Paper presented in The 25th Annual Taiwan ETA International Conference: Teaching and Learning: Evolution, Innovation, and Revolution. 11-13th, Nov. 2011, Taipei, Taiwan. Crane.
  9. Lee, H.C. (2016). Art and Formulaic English: An Exploration of a self-compiled corpus. The Third ESBB (English Scholar Beyond Borders) conference. 19-22 May, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  10. Lee, H.C. (2015). International Conference on Corpus Linguistics and Technology Advancement (CoLTA 2015), 16-18 December, Hong Kong Institute of Education, HK.
  11. Lee, H.C. (2014). Like Facebook: Something about Ubiquitous Technological Media Learning. Paper presented in The 23rd Annual Taiwan ETA International Conference: ELT Futures: Local, Global, Cyber. 14-16th , Nov. 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
  12. Lee, H.C. (2014). Facebook Faces Books: What can Facebook do in ELF Learning? Antwerpen CALL 2014: Research Challenges in CALL. 7-9 July 2014, Universiteit Antwerpen, Beligum
  13. Lee, H.C. (2014). “Kinetic & Potential” Thailand TESOL conference, 17-20 June, Bangkok.
  14. Lee, H.C. & R. Martin (2013). “Developing Vocabulary: Humpty Dumpty & Alice in the Wonderland of Etymology. Paper presented in The 22nd Annual Taiwan ETA International Conference: Motivating Students to Learn English: Problems and Solutions. November 8-10, 2013 Taipei, Taiwan. Crane.
  15. Lee, H.C. (2013). “Ubiquitous or Not”. WorldCALL Conference, Sustainability and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) July 10-13, 2013, Glasgow, UK (Panel Discussion)
  16. Lee, H.C. (2013). “Traditional Tale”. AATE/ALEA 2013 Joint National Conference, Brave New World: English and Literacy teaching in the 21st century”, to be held at QUT, Brisbane, Australia, 4-7 July 2013.
  17. Lee, H.C. (2013). Motivating Students to Learn English: Problems & Solutions, November 8-10, 2013, Chien Tan, Taipei, Taiwan
  18. Lee, H.C. (2013). Facebook for Literature. WorldCALL Colloquium, the 4th WorldCALL Conference, Glasgow, UK
  19. Lee, H.C. (2013). Brave New World: English and Literacy teaching in the 21st century.AATE/ALEA 2013 Joint National Conference, to be held at QUT, Brisbane, Australia, 4-7 July 2013.
  20. Lee, H.C. (2012). “Facebook and Pedagogy” HeatingUp Everyday English Communication. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education. Singapore: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, Singapore, Nov. 26-30, 2012.
  21. Lee, H.C. (2012). In Memory of Tim Johns and His Contexts: Application of a CALL Program in EFL Teaching. Paper presented in The 20th Annual Taiwan ETA International Conference: ELT in the Age of Globalization: Trends, Challenges, and Innovations. 11-13th, Nov. 2011, Taipei, Taiwan. Crane.
  22. Lee, H.C. (2012). Gateway or Getaway? On Looking at English Teaching and Learning in Taiwan, PAC 2012 and the 9th FEELTA International Conference: Learning Languages—Building Communities. Valdivostok, Russia, 1st -4th Nov. 2012 (Plenary).
  23. Lee, H.C. (2012). Noticing Formulaic English in Two Corpora: A Data-driven Learning Approach. 10th International Conference Teaching and Language Corpora (TaLC 10). Warsaw, Poland, 11th-14th July 2012
  24. Lee, H.C. (2012). MatchUp on CALL: Effectiveness of a CALL Program in Teaching Children’s Literature in EFL classes. The 15th International CALL Research Conference. Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan, May 24-27, 2012
  25. Lee, H.C. (2012). Tourism and Culture. The 2nd AHTMMC International Conference. Greece, May 31-June 3, 2012.
  26. Lee, H.C. (2011). In Memory of Tim Johns and His Contexts: Application of a CALL Program in EFL Teaching. Paper presented in The 20th Annual Taiwan ETA International Conference: ELT in the Age of Globalization: Trends, Challenges, and Innovations. 11-13th, Nov. 2011, Taipei, Taiwan. Crane.
  27. Lee, H.C. (2011). Effect of using media in Enhancing Written Discourse on EFL Students in the Department of Business Administration of Five-year-program at a Vocational Business College in Taiwan. Sixth International Conference on Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise (DICOEN VI), 8-10 September 2011, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  28. Lee, H.C. (2011). Exploring Bilingualism in a Bilingual Secondary School in Taiwan. ISB8 - International Symposium of Bilingualism, Oslo 2011, June 15-18
  29. Lee, H.C. (2011). CALL For Teaching English Children’s Literature: Hot Potatoes Framework in Taiwanese EFL Classrooms. International Educational Technology Conference IETC 2011, May 25-27.
  30. Lee, H.C. (2011). Examination of naturally occurring spoken discourse between two Asian ELF speakers. The Fourth International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF4), Hong Kong, May 26-28, 2011.
  31. Lee, H.C. (2010). In Memory of Tim Johns and His Contexts: Application of a CALL Program in EFL Teaching. Paper presented in The 19th Annual Taiwan ETA International Conference: Methodology in ESL/EFL Research and Instruction. 12-14th, Nov. 2010, Taipei, Taiwan. Crane.
  32. Lee, H.C. (2010). In Defense of Concordancing: An Application of Data-Driven Learning in Taiwan. International Conference on Education and Education Psychology 2010 (ICEEPSY) , Dec. 2-5, Cyprus
  33. Lee, H.C. (2010). Application of Data-Driven Learning Approach in Taiwan: The Contexts program. Advancing ELT in the Global Context. The 2010 PAC[1]KOTESOL International Conference, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea, October 16-17, 2010.
  34. Lee, H.C. (2010). Quantitative Assessment of English Language Development in Adolescent Taiwan EFL Learners: Small Corpora Used in Building Everyday English Skills. The 9th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, 1-3 July 2010.
  35. Lee, H.C. & Jonathan K. (2010). Exploring “the islands of our minds” in Swallows and Amazons. Asian EFL Journal International Conference & Workshop, pp. 387-400. April 23-25 at Providence University.
  36. Lee, H.C. (2010). Project-based Writing. International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT), pp.147-154. April 15-17, 2010 應用語言學
  37. Lee, H.C. & Jonathan K. (2010). Home vs. Castle in Swallows and Amazons on a MOE subsidized English enhancing program. Paper presented in The 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. 7 – 10th, Jan. 2010. Honolulu, Hawaii.
  38. Lee, H.C. (2009). When the Traditional Teaching Approaches Meet the Collaborative Online Learning (COL). NTCB Foreign Languages and Literature Studies, pp. 83-94. July 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. Crane.
  39. Lee, H.C. (2008). The Use of Two Corpora: ‘Responding to a Changing World’: The 16th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference.25-26th, Octorber 2007, Seoul. Korea.
  40. Lee, H.C. (2008). Justification of the Use of CDDL. The 17th English Teacher Association. Taiwan.
  41. Lee, H.C. (2006). Vocabulary Difficulty: Corpus-based Analysis and justification of the Use of a 100,000 word corpus in EFL Classrooms. ‘Language at the Interface’: The 3rd IVACS International Conference. 23-24th June 2006, Nottingham. UK.
  42. Lee, H.C. (2006) Text and Exercise. 2006 Intercollegiate International Conference on English Language Teaching, 27th May 2006. Conference Theme: New Aspects of English Language Teaching and Learning in Taiwan. Yuanpei University of Science and Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  43. Lee, H.C. (2005) Swallows and Amazons in Chinese. TARS Literary Weekend conference, September, 2005, Norwich, UK.
  44. Lee, H.C. & Wang, L. (2005) Using CALL programs to teach EFL through Children’s Literature. The 5th Foreign Language Education and Technology Conference, 5-10th August 2005, Provo, USA.