張宜瑧 教授 | ||
研究室 | 承曦樓 827 室 |
電話 | 02-2322-6608 | |
傳真 | 02-2322-6422 | |
floraliping@ntub.edu.tw | ||
授課領域 |
西洋文學經典選讀、西洋文學作品導讀、西洋文學概論、電影文學賞析 | |
研究專長 |
美國原住民文學、生態論述、兒童文學 |
- 110年度撰寫台灣產業個案研究教材優良獎狀。
- 108 學年度榮獲國立臺北商業大學優良導師獎。
- 104 學年辦理產學攜手合作計畫成效卓越獎狀。
- 103 學年度榮獲國立臺北商業大學教學傑出獎。
- 99 學年度榮獲國立臺北商業技術學院傑出導師獎。
- “The Power of Things in Terry Tempest Williams’s Refuge and When Women Were Birds.” The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture, vol. 15 no. 2, June 2022, pp. 101-127 (Scopus, ESCI, THCI)
- “Making Mortal Engines Run: An Analysis of Philip Reeve’s Steampunk Fantasy.”Kaohsiung Normal University Journal, vol. 50, June 2021, pp. 61-79. (THCI 3rd Tier, 2019)
- “Native American History, Culture and Spirituality in Mary Pope Osborne’s Children’s Book: Buffalo Before Breakfast.” Mousaion (Special issue on children's literature and reading), vol. 34, no. 2, Nov. 2016, pp. 98-112. (EBSCO)
- “Spirits in the Material World: Ecocentrism in Native American Culture and Louise Erdrich’s Chickadee.” Children’s Literature in Education, vol. 47, June, 2016, pp. 148-160. (A&HCI)
- “The Significance of Love in Marie Hugo’s Notre-Dame de Paris and Les Misérables.” Aletheia University Journal of Humanities, vol. 15, Oct. 2014, pp. 69-84. (THCI)
- “The Subversive Mary Poppins: An Alternative Image of the Witch in Children’s Literature.” International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature, vol. 2, no. 6, June 2014, pp. 31-40. (ARC, India)
- “The Significance of the Natural World in The Education of Little Tree.” Advances in Literary Study, vol. 2, no. 2, Apr. 2014, pp. 58-65. (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., USA)
- “Leaving the Reservation: Reconstructing Identity in Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.” World Journal of English Language, vol. 4, no. 1, Feb. 2014, pp. 1-8. (Scopus)
- “The Significance of Manitous and Animals in Louise Erdrich’s The Porcupine Year.” Huafan Journal of Humanities, vol. 19, 2013, pp. 61-81. (THCI)
- “A Native American Girl’s Coming of Age in Louise Erdrich’s The Porcupine Year.” World Journal of English Language, vol. 1, no. 2, 2011, pp. 43-51. (Scopus)
- “(Re)location of Home in Louise Erdrich’s The Game of Silence.” Children’s Literature in Education. Vol. 42, 2011, pp. 132-147. (A&HCI)
- “Oral Tradition and Animals in Native American Children’s Literature: Louise Erdrich’s The Birchbark House as a Case Study.” Mousaion: Special Number on Children’s Literature and Children’s Reading. Vol. 27, no. 2, 2009, pp. 178-190. (EBSCO)
- 〈美國原住民兒童文學中之口述傳統與動物: 以卾萃曲的《樺樹皮之屋》 為例〉。《生態深深深幾許?人類世中的文學想像與生態批評》。書林出版有限公司。(2023.6)
- 〈毒物危害與生態疾病療癒:泰莉·坦貝斯特·威廉斯的《沙鷗飛處:湖與女人的故事》〉。第九屆海峽兩岸生態文學研討會。蘇州大學外國語學院。2019.10.25-10.27
- 〈後人類世界與生態環境危機:保羅·巴奇加盧比的《曼谷的發條女孩》、《六號抽水站》〉。第八屆海峽兩岸生態文學研討會。廣州外語外貿大學。2018.11.2-11.5
- “Rude Awakenings: Environmental Awareness in a Time of Crisis in Philip Reeve’s Mortal Engines.” The Fifth International Symposium on Literature and Environment in East Asia (ISLE-EA): Environmental Humanities: Globalization, Adaptation, Education. Seoul, Korea. 2016.11.4-2016.11-7