李明哲 助理教授 |
研究室 |
六藝樓313-6室 |
電話 |
02-2322-6599 |
傳真 |
02-2322-6422 |
授課領域 |
英語演講與辯論、翻譯理論與實務、影視翻譯、AI與法律翻譯入門 | |
研究專長 |
翻譯研究、世界文學研究、臺灣文學翻譯、法律英文、新聞英文、學術英文 |
National Taiwan Normal University
Ph.D. in Translation Studies (GITI)
M.A. in Translation Studies (GITI)
B.A. in English Language and Literature
Peer-reviewed Journal Essays
Lee, Ming-che (2023). Queering cyborg chronotope: Humanness unraveled in Chi Ta-wei’s The Membranes. The Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture, 17(1), 121-145. DOI: 10.30395/WSR.202312_17(1).0005 (THCI/SCOPUS)
Lee, Ming-che. (2022). Translating gender indeterminacy: The queering of gender identities in Qiu Miaojin’s Last Words from Montmartre. Translation Studies, 15(1), 54-68. DOI: 10.1080/14781700.2021.1977687 (SSCI)
Lee, Ming-che (2021). Mapping Taiwanese queer literature: A survey of globalized queer fiction produced in Taiwan in 1990s. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, 8(2), 194-208. DOI:10.1080/23306343.2021.1935575 (ESCI)
Lee, Ming-che (2021). The gain and loss in cross-cultural translation: An explorative study of the English & Japanese renditions of Pai Hsien-yung’s Taipei People. Journal of Taiwan Literary Studies, 32, 193-232. (THCI/SCOPUS)
Lee, Ming-che (2021). An androgynous flower blooming in foreign lands: A study on the heterotopia ideology in the English translation of Notes of a Desolate Man. Bulletin of Taiwanese Literature, 38. 77-108. DOI: 10.30381/BTL.202106_(38).0003 (THCI/SCOPUS)
Lee, Ming-che (2020). The early transmission and renditions of the Yijing: The Jesuits’ 17th to mid-18th-century translation strategies and ideologies. Compilation and Translation Review, 13(1), 71-114. DOI: 10.29912/CTR.202003_13(1).0003 (THCI/SCOPUS)
Lee, Ming-che (2019). The ideology and politics of the Chinese translation of Fifty Years in China by John Leighton Stuart, Compilation and Translation Review, 12(1), 29-58. DOI: 10.29912/CTR.201903_12(1).0002 (THCI/SCOPUS)
Books (co-author)
廖柏森、朱雯琪、李明哲、金瑄桓(2024)。《大學全英語溝通:800句師生互動句型與應用》(The Ultimate Guide to Classroom English in the University)。眾文。
廖柏森、朱雯琪、李明哲、金瑄桓(2021)。《大學全英語授課:900句課堂情境句型與應用》(The Ultimate Guide to Teaching in English)。眾文。
廖柏森、王瓊淑、李明哲、金瑄桓、陳湘陽、陳逸軒(2020)。《英中新聞筆譯:編譯實務技巧與應用》(English-Chinese News Translation)。眾文。
Books (chapter contributor)
Lee, Ming-che. (2021). The early transmission of the Yijing and the Figurists’ renditions. In Benjamin Wai-ming Ng (Ed.), The making of the global Yijing in the modern world: Cross-cultural interpretations and interactions (pp. 85-106). Springer.
- “Phantomizing Taiwan in Translation: On the Queer Spectrality of Kevin Chen’s Ghost Town.” The 28th International Symposium on Translation, Interpretation and Teaching. National Taiwan University. (June 15, 2024)
- “Cyborg Chronotope Unraveled: Rendering Chi Ta-wei’s Queer Science Fiction The Membranes.” The 27th International Symposium on Translation, Interpretation and Teaching. National Changhua University of Education. (May 6, 2023)
- “Becoming’ World Literature: Translating Queer Taiwan in the Goethean Sense.” The 39th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning English Teaching and Research Association 2022 Annual Conference. Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei. (July 15, 2022).
- “Mapping Taiwanese Queer Literature in Translation: A survey of globalized queer fiction produced in 1990s Taiwan.” The 2021 Taipei Tech International Conference on Applied Linguistics. National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei. (Oct. 29, 2021).
- “An Androgynous Flower Blooming in Foreign Lands: A Study on the Heterotopia Ideology in the English Translation of Notes of a Desolate Man.” The 25th International Symposium on Translation, Interpretation and Teaching. Soochow University, Taipei. (June. 5, 2021).
- “Translating Gender Indeterminacy: The Queering of Gender Identities in Qiu Miaojin’s Last Words from Montmartre.” The 24th International Symposium on Taiwanese Literature Translation. Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Kaohsiung. (June 13, 2020).
- “A Comparative Analysis on the Translation Strategies Applied in the English & Japanese Renditions of Pai Hsien-yung’s Taipei People.” The 3rd International Conference on Taiwanese Literature Translation. National Chengchi University, Taipei. (Nov. 16, 2019).
- “The Early Transmission and Jesuit Translation of the Yijing: from the 17th to 18th Centuries.” The 23rd International Symposium on Translation and Interpretation. Chang Jung Christian University, Tainan. (May 25, 2019).
- 〈公共政策與政府法規英譯即戰力〉工作坊4梯次【行政院公務人力發展學院EMI課程】(Jan. 17, 2025、Apr. 17 & May 15, 2024、Aug. 4, 2023).
- 〈Using AI Responsibly to Refine Academic Writing and Integrity〉【運用AI優化學術寫作與誠信講座 】[國立臺北商業大學資研所演講廳A505] (Dec. 25, 2024)
- 〈Journalistic English and Translation〉【北商大應外系翻譯講座 】[語言中心第三教室] (Nov. 25 & 27, 2024)
- 〈AI輔助英文學術寫作及挑戰:論文優化與反抄襲〉(AI to the Rescue: Using AI Ethically to Refine Academic English Writing) 【臺師大英語學術素養中心學術英語 [CAL Talks]系列講座】(Nov. 19, 2024)
- 〈翻譯酷兒臺灣:邁向世界文學前沿〉【台大「迻/疑譯:文學創譯實務」系列講座】(July. 18, 2024)
- 〈新聞英語翻譯〉【臺大翻譯碩士學程專題演講】(Apr. 16, 2024)
- 〈契約、協議與法規英譯研習工作坊〉【國立成功大學】(Jan. 19 & 26, 2024)
- 〈EMI雙語課程與國際教育〉【臺科大師培碩士學程專題演講】(May 25, 2023)
- 〈EMI課程規劃與實用教學原則〉【中山醫大EMI課程規劃與教學專題演講】(June 29, 2022)
- 〈臺灣酷兒文學英譯〉【臺大翻譯碩士學程專題演講】(May 16, 2022)
- 〈教甄與行政經驗談〉【臺科大師培碩士學程專題演講】(May 5, 2022)
- 【教育部中英文翻譯能力檢定考試】英進中 (2015) /中進英 (2016)
- 【全民英檢高級證書】(2016)
- 【日本語能力試驗N1證書】(2017)
- 【GEPT Advanced Level 優秀作文獎】(2016)
- 【梁實秋文學翻譯獎:散文組評審獎】(2018)
- 《台灣文學研究學報》(THCI第一級),論文稿件審查人(Jan. 15 ~ Feb. 11, 2024)
- 國際期刊Babel (SSCI, 2025 IF=0.278),論文稿件審查人(Oct. 28 ~ Dec. 07, 2024)
- 國立臺灣文學館「精選藏品英譯計畫」書面審查委員(藏品詮釋中翻英共140筆)(Aug. 15 ~ Sep. 30, 2024)
- 行政院公務人力發展學院「114年度涉外業務研習班課程規劃諮詢會議」(審查委員)(July 31, 2024)
- 「雙館齊上:博物館與臺灣文史論文研討會」(Article reviewer). 覃子君、王雅珊〈臺灣文學外譯之機會與挑戰—以政府公部門推動翻譯出版為例〉(National Museum of Taiwan Literature)(July 11, 2024)
- 優久大學聯盟2024「優譯盃中英口筆譯大賽」(Consortium Universities Translation and Interpreting Contest)(C-to-E translation judge). Soochow University (May 10, 2024).
- 【行政院公務人力發展學院介紹摺頁及影片旁白字幕英譯】(2024)
- 【愷立多媒體工作室 / Intel AI “Openvino Toolkit” 影片字幕英譯】(2024)
- 【北商大申請國際AACSB商學院認證,部分文件英譯兼修訂】(2023)
- 【臺師大臺文系曾秀萍副教授投稿論文〈「反含蓄」的台語鄉土女同志電影:《失聲畫眉》的情欲再現與本土/性別政治〉部分英譯與全文潤稿、修訂】(2023)
- 【臺師大新聘專任教師資格條件暨評鑑作業規定】、【臺師大產學合作計畫助理人員管理要點】英譯 (2022)
- 【《食療聖經減重版:終極瘦身》。三采文化】(2021)
- 【文化部文化內容策進院,評審委員利益迴避事項確認及聲明書英譯】(2020)
- 【國家人權博物館,不義遺址網站英譯】(2020)
- 【愷立多媒體工作室 / Intel “Market Ready Solution” 影片字幕英譯】(2019)