


潘大為 副教授

研究室 六藝樓 313-1 室
















  • Third Place, "My Experience of Studying Abroad" essay contest, Office of International Cooperation, National Chengchi University,October 2010.

  • Republic of China Ministry of Education Scholarship, spring 2005, spring 2006, fall 2006, spring 2007, fall 2009.

  • National Chengchi University English Department graduate student scholarship, spring 2005, spring 2006, fall 2006, spring 2007.


  1. Preachers and Teachers: Cultural Links and Philosophical Affinities in the 19th-century First American and 20th-century Southern Renaissances,” Fu Jen Studies, No. 47, July 2014, Fu Jen University, College of Foreign Languages, New Taipei City, Taiwan, ISSN 1015-0021.


  1. Taiwanese Students and the Search for Happy, Fulfilling Lives and Success in their Futures,” The 13th NTUB Colloquium on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, Rethinking the Impact of Teaching English as a Global Language, National Taipei University of Business, November 13, 2014.


Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Publications

  1. "Poem 1996" (poetry), The Aroostook Review, University of Maine, Fort Kent. VolumeV, Summer 2010, (ISSN 1934 1324).
  2. "Journalism English: Pragmatic, Exciting ESP Learning Possibilities for Taiwanese Students," Globalization, English(es) for Specific Purposes, and Intercultural Studies Proceedings, International Conference on Applied Foreign Language Studies, Ching Yun University, Zhongli, Taiwan, May 2010.
  3. "The Matter of Britain': Life, Death, and the Experience of Time in the World of King Arthur," Watermark: A Graduate Journal of Literary Criticism, California State University, Long Beach; June 2009.
  4. "The Branch Does Not Fall Far From the Tree: Moral Realism in Literature," LiCuS Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies, University of Zagreb, Croatia, February 2009 (ISSN 1846-1778).
  5. "The First and Second Attentions of Dramaturgy: A Phenomenological Analysis,"National Central University Journal of Humanities, National Central University, Jhongli City, Taiwan; January 2008 (ISSN 1993-9167).
  6. "Identity Development and Cultural Production in the Chinese Diaspora to the United States, 1850-2004: New Perspectives," Asian Ethnicity, Routledge, October 2008 (ISSN 1463-1369).
  7. "Identity Development and Cultural Production in the Chinese Diaspora to the United States, 1850-2004: New Perspectives," The 2007 International Symposium on Diaspora and Ethnic Studies: Proceedings, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,June 2007.
  8. “Eric Packer and Eugene Henderson: Seeking Transcendence Across the Void,"Watermark: A Graduate Journal of Literary Criticism, California State University, Long Beach, June 2007.
  9. "Handful of Petals," "Say What You Said Before" (fiction), The Aroostook Review, University of Maine, Fort Kent. Volume 1, Summer 2006 (ISSN 1934 4324).
  10. "Bringing Experience to Life, and Life to Experience: Conscious Experience and Representation in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon," Consciousness, Literature, the Arts, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, Vol. 7, No. 3, December 2006 (ISSN 14705648).
  11. "Scary as Hell: The Roots of Horror," Dissections, Anglia Ruskin University and the University of Brighton, UK, Vol. 1, No.-1, November, 2006.
  12. "Identity Development and Cultural Production in the Chinese Diaspora to the United States, 1850-2004: New Perspectives," Transdisciplinary journal of Emergence, Issue 3, No. 1, HEC School of Business and SDA Bocconi Business School, Milan, Italy Spring 2005.
  13. "The Evolution of U.S. Military Doctrine and Security Policy: From the Cold War to Current Perspectives," . San Francisco State University International Relations journal, December 1995. Used in Professor David Garnham's, "Problems of American Foreign Policy" course, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Cited in L'aide Economique Americaine et la Security Dans les Ameriques (American Economic Aid and Security in the Americas), and L'evolution de la theorie du conflit de faible intensity (The Evolution of the Theory of Low-Intensity Conflict), by Anne Duhamel, University of Quebec in Montreal. Department of Political Science, June 2001.
  14. "Handful of Petals" (fiction), City. Scriptum, City College San Francisco, 1993.

    Other Publications (author)

  15. "October's Coming" (poetry). Reprinted in EASY.COM: For college-level students (translation textbook), Kaun Tang International Publications; Ltd., 2010.
  16. "The tears, joy and responsibility of learning Chinese," opinion/ commentary, Taipei Times, 6 January 2009.
  17. "Neutrality Taiwan's best option," opinion/commentary, Taipei Times, 6 October 2008.
  18. "On a more apt history for Taiwan," opinion/ commentary, Taipei Times, 28 August 2008.
  19. "Magical Realism and Toni Morrison's Song Of Solomon: Bringing Life to Experience and Experience to Life," Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism, March 2006. (Listings: International Directory of Little Magazines and Small Presses, CLMP directory of small presses, Writers Market indices. WWW journal.) Cited by Lecturer Mitzi Y. McFarland, University of West Georgia (USA), in her course syllabus, "The Making of an American Self: Conversations Past and Present," fall 2006.
  20. "Taiwanese English Majors and the Study of English," Shih Hsin University E-Power, Department of English, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2003. "Talk it Up: Encouraging Communication in Taiwanese College Classrooms," Cambridge Connection, Cambridge University Press, March 2003.
  21. "musica subterrania" (online literary journalism), "San Francisco Journal" (online poetry and verse cycle)"Awakenings'." (fiction), "Handful of Petals," (fiction), "age arrives" (poetry). Fuzzynet literary webzine (United Kingdom), April 2003.
  22. "Wealth Beyond our Wildest Dreams," International Cooperation and Development, June 2002. Republished by World Links Global Learning Network, Washington, D.C.,2002.
  23. "Bon Appetit!" The Senegal Small and Medium Enterprise Assistance Project,"International Cooperation and Development, June 2002.
  24. "The El Salvador Earthquake Reconstruction Project," International Cooperation and Development, June 2002.
  25. "ICDF SME Development: Fast Track to Economic Growth, "International Cooperation and Development, September 2001.
  26. "Project Transformation: The Panama Fishermen's Loan Project," "International Cooperation and Development, March 2001.
  27. "Infini.band Architecture: Bridge Over Troubled Waters," special research report, Illuminata, Inc., May 2000.
  28. "Blueprint for Tomorrow," InfoWorld magazine 20th anniversary edition special report, July 1998.
  29. "When Data Explodes," InfoWorld magazine special report, May 1998. Have written or edited numerous other research reports, analyses, editorials, educational materials and articles in various publications. 

Academic Seminars, Conferences, Public Speaking

  1. "Journalism English in Taiwanese Classrooms: Practical and Exciting Learning Opportunities," The Fourth Conference on College English. National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, October 16, 2010.
  2. "Journalism English: Pragmatic, Exciting ESP Learning Possibilities for Taiwanese Students," 2010 International Conference on Applied Foreign Language Studies: Globalization, English(es)for Specific Purposes, and Intercultural Studies, Ching Yuri University, Jungli, Taiwan, 28 May 2010.
  3. "The Branch Does Not Fall Far From the Tree: Moral Realism in Literature,"Negotiating Narrative Authority: Intersecting Relationships in English Studies, Acacia Group graduate conference, California State University, Fullerton, February 22-23, 2008. "Bright Air, Brilliant Fire: The Mind of Wikipedia," paper presentation, Wikimania Conference 2007, Taipei, Taiwan, August 3, 2007.
  4. "Wikipedia and Taiwanese Students: A Good Mix," moderator, round table discussion, Wikimania Conference 2007, Taipei, Taiwan, August 3, 2007.
  5. "Identity Development and Cultural Production in the Chinese Diaspora to the United States, 1850-2004: New Perspectives;" 2007 International Symposium on Diaspora and Ethnic Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June 16-17, 2007.
  6. "Vectors of Desire': Palimpsests of History, Narrative and Lived Experience," National Chengchi University English Department Professors, "Research Salon: Cultural Representation," May 10, 2007.
  7. "Eugene Henderson and Eric Packer: Seeking Transcendence across the Void," 20th Century Literature and Culture academic conference, University of Louisville, USA, February 22-24, 2007.
  8. "Sir Walter Scott's Waverley and the (re)writing of History," Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association/ American Culture Association conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, February 14-17 2007.
  9. "Scary as Hell: The Roots of Horror," Midwest Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, October 27-29 2006.
  10. "Preachers and Teachers: Cultural Links and Philosophical Affinities in the 19th-century First American and 20th century Southern Renaissances," Re-mapping the American. South academic conference, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK, September 810, 2006.
  11. "Learning to Learn-English," motivational speaking engagement and training for Taiwanese high school students, Shill Yuan Senior High School, Taizhong, Taiwan, 20 April 2006.
  12. "Identity Development and Cultural Production in the Chinese Diaspora to the United States, 1850-2004: New Perspectives," Diasporic Narrative and the Ethics of Representation academic conference, University of Turku, Finland, 29 September-1 October 2005.
  13. "Identity Development and Cultural Production in the Chinese Diaspora to the United States, 1850-2004: New Perspectives," (dis)junctions 2005: Theory Reloaded academic conference, University of California, Riverside, 8-9 April 2005.
  14. "Chinese Diaspora Studies: Bridges to Distant Shores," Globalization, and Cultural Representation, university professors discussion group, Taiwan Ministry of Education Reading Project, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2004. 
