


陳瑋瑜 教授


研究室 六藝樓 313-3 室













期刊論文 (Journal articles)


  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2024). Lifelong informal language learning in the digital age: An ecological perspective on three learners’ learning journeys. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 19, 22-37.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (Online first, December 22, 2023). Lend me your ears: A study on taking the role of podcasters by Taiwanese EFL learners. Computers in the Schools, (MOST 111-2410-H-141-011)

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2023). PowerPoint as a multimodal retelling tool: Students’ slide design, collaboration, and goal-setting. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 17, 1-14.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2022). “I feel I am like Matilda”: A study on Taiwanese adolescent readers’ transmediational practices from reading Roald Dahl’s Matilda. The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 45, 199-217.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2021). I participate, therefore I am: A study on students’ efforts of helping Google Translate to refine its translation results. Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning, 8, 449-482. (PSR1090240)

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2021). Composing print essays versus composing across modes: Students’ multimodal choices and overall preferences, Literacy, 55, 25-38.
  2. Chen, C. W.-y. (2021). Intercultural education in service learning: An example from an English writing course from a business university [服務學習中的跨文化教育:以一商管大學之大一英文寫作課程為例].Journal of National Taipei University of Business [北商學報]3741-57(PSR1080002)

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2020). Using Google Translate in an authentic translation task: The process, refinement efforts, and students’ perceptions. Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning, 7, 213-238.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2020). Citizen journalist videos as a form of multimodal composing: Understanding students’ self-reported affordances, constraints, and follow-up learning goals. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14, 481-495.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2020). A study on teaching active listening in an integrated EFL classroom. Listening Education Journal, 10, 34-60.

  1. Wang, H.-c. & Chen, C. W.-y. (2020). Learning English from YouTubers: English L2 Learners’ self-regulated language learning on YouTube. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14, 333-346. (Corresponding author)

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2020). Analyzing online comments: A language-awareness approach to cultivating digital literacies. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 33, 435-454.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2020). Learning through participation: A case study on the affordances of making YouTube tutorial videos. JALT CALL Journal, 16, 51-67. (MOST 108-2635-H-141-001)

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2020). Learning about the world from Taiwan’s diplomatic allies: An Exploratory Practice approach. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14, 218-226.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2019) Translating community development stories: When an EFL writing course meets service learning. TESOL Journal, 10(2), e00410.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2019). Guided listening with listening journals and curated materials: A metacognitive approach. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 13, 133-146.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2018). Integrating creativity into an EFL reading classroom. TESOL Journal, 9(4), 1-5.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2018). Developing EFL students’ digital empathy through video production. System, 77, 50-57.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2018). “Think before you type”: The effectiveness of implementing an anti-cyberbullying project in an EFL classroom, Pedagogies: An International Journal, 13(1), 1-18.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y., & Wang, H.-c. (2016). Nurturing interdisciplinary competence in academic writing classes: Two Taiwanese TESOL professionals' shared journey. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 20(2), 31-49.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. & Lee, B. C. (2016). Foes or friends: Negotiating the advisor-advisee relationship. English Teaching & Learning, 43(3), 41-60.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2016). Listening diary in the digital age: Students’ material selection, listening problems, and perceived usefulness. JALT CALL Journal, 12, 83-101.  

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2016). A survey on EFL teachers’ assessment methods in      entry-level writing courses in technological universities in Taiwan. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 20(1), 21-36.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2015). Initiating the development of EFL students’ writing beliefs through sharing metaphors. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 19(1), 101-119.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. & Cheng, Y.-s. (2014). Learning from team teaching and beyond. A case study on EFL teachers’ professional development. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 18(1), 33-47.(NSC 95-2420-H-003-004-DR)

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2013). Professional development needs of English writing  teachers in technological universities and colleges in Taiwan. Journal of Applied Foreign Languages (College of Foreign Languages, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology), 20, 25-44.

  1. Chen, W.-y. (2013). English writing curricula of four-year applied English departments at technological universities and colleges in Taiwan: Design, implementation, and prospect [台灣技職院校應用外語系四技英文寫作課程:設計、執行、與展望]. Fu Jen Journal of Foreign Languages: Linguistics, Literature, and Culture [輔仁外語學報] , 10, 71-88.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. & Cheng, Y.-s. (2013). The supervisory process of EFL teachers: A case study. The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language (TESL-EJ), 17(1), 1-21. (NSC 95-2420-H-003-004-DR)

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2012). Collaborative writing in an EFL university classroom: Voices from students. Asian Journal of English Language Teaching (AJELT), 22, 25-43.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2011). Evaluating one’s own oral academic presentation: A method to assist graduate students’ academic discourse socialization. Asian ESP Journal, 7, 5-28.

  1. Chen, C. W.-y. (2010). A survey on the professional development needs of part-time college English teachers in Taiwan. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 7(2), 109-130.

32. Chen, C. W.-y. (2010). Graduate students’ self-reported perspectives regarding peer feedback and feedback from writing consultants. Asia Pacific Education Review, 11, 151-158. (NSC 98-2410-H-009-002)

33. Chen, C. W.-y. & Cheng, Y.-s. (2010). A case study on foreign English teachers’ challenges in Taiwanese elementary schools. System, 38, 41-49. (NSC 95-2420-H-003-004-DR)

34. Chen, C. W.-y. (2006). The use of conjunctive adverbials in the academic papers of advanced Taiwanese EFL learners. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 11, 113-130.

35. Chen, C. W.-y. (2006). The mixing of English in magazine advertisements in Taiwan. World Englishes, 25, 467-478.

36. Chen, C. W.-y. (2006). Revisiting proficiency: An important requirement for elementary school English teachers in Taiwan. Journal of National Hualien University of Education [花蓮教育大學學報]23, 287-304.

37. Chen, C. W.-y.& Lee, B. C. (2006). More than the sum of its parts: Case studies of two good language learners. Journal of General Education [中國醫藥大學通識教育學報],9, 217-243.

38. Chen, C. W.-y. (2005). Connecting TESOL teacher education with technology: An example from the Taiwanese context. Journal of Languages and Literature of NHCUE [國立新竹教育大學語文學報],12, 213-233.
