


郭筱晴 副教授

















國立臺北商業技術學院應用外語系 系主任






期刊(專書)論文(Journal Articles & Chapter in Books)

  1. Guo, Siao-cing. (2018). Empowering children through drama. In Y. N. Leung (Ed.), Reconceptualizing English language teaching and learning in the 21st century (pp. 179-190). Taipei, Taiwan: Crane Publishing.
  2. Guo, Siao-cing. (2015). Exploring college students’ reading habits and benefits of extracurricular reading. Studies of English Language and Literature, 35, 197-220.
  3. Guo, Siao-cing, & Su, Rong-chung. (2014). A study on the implementation of the English services emblem in the greater Taipei area. Taiwan International ESP Journal, 6(1), 53-75.
  4. Guo, Siao-cing. (2013). Using reading inventory as a learning tool. English Language Teaching, 6(1), 122-127.
  5. Guo, Siao-cing. (2012). Evaluating a self-access learning project utilizing DVDs. Journal of Pingtung University of Education, 38, 339-362.
  6. Guo, Siao-cing. (2012). What impact does a teacher training program have? Foreign Languages and Literature Studies March, 2012, pp.1-18. National Taipei College of Business. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co.
  7. Guo, Siao-cing. (2012). Creating authentic English experiences for Taiwan university students through English forums. Foreign Languages and Literature Studies March, 2012, pp.75-90. National Taipei College of Business. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co.
  8. Guo, Siao-cing. (2011). Impact of out-of-class activity on students’ language awareness, vocabulary, and autonomy. Language Education in Asia, 2(2), 246-256
  9. Chu, Shu-ching. (2009). Fostering students’ communicative ability: From writing to speaking. Foreign Languages and Literature Studies, July, 2009, pp.15-32. National Taipei College of Business. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co.
  10. Chu, Shu-ching. (2009). The use of computer technology in language classroom. Foreign Languages and Literature Studies, July, 2009, pp115-127. National Taipei College of Business. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co.

研討會論文(Conference Presentations)

  1. Guo, Saio-cing. (2019, March). Investing the effect of college students’ mobile phone use. The Fourteenth Taiwan E-learning Forum (TWELF), Yun-lin, Taiwan.
  2. Guo, Siao-cing, et al. (2018, October). Evaluating mobile applications for English learning. The 1st Pan-Pacific Technology Enhanced Language Learning Conference (PPTELL). Taipei, Taiwan.
  3. Guo, Siao-cing, & Chen, M. Y. (2018, Jun.). Investigating the effects of an elearning platform system. Paper presented at the 16th Asia TEFL 1st MAAL & 6th HAAL 2018 International Conference. Macau, SAR, China.
  4. Guo, Siao-cing, Chen, Yu-Ju, & Chen, Te-Yu. (2016, November). Using English games to flip teaching. Paper presented at 2016 PAC/25th ETA International Symposium International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, ETA. Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. Guo, Siao-cing. (2015, November). Dramatization of children’s stories for foreign language development. Paper presented at the Twelfth Annual Wenshan International Conference. National Chengchi University, Taipei.
  6. Guo, Siao-cing. (2013, November). Rethinking English teacher training: A service-learning model. Paper presented at 2013 the Twenty-first International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, ETA. Taipei, Taiwan.
  7. Guo, Siao-cing. (2013, November). An investigation on Taiwan’s workplace English services. Paper presented at the twelfth International Conference of Asia Chapter of Academy of Human Resource Development/the eleventh Conference of Human Resource Development. Taipei, Taiwan.
  8. Guo, Siao-cing. (2013, April). Enhancing Children's L2 Literacy through Drama Viewing. Paper presented at 2013 International Symposium on Education and Psychology (pp.416-423). Kitakyushu, Japan. (ISSN: 2226-6275)
  9. Guo, Siao-cing. (2012, December). Directing students’ attention to language usage in real-life context. Paper presented at 2012 彰雲嘉大徐院校聯盟學術研討會. Dayeh University, Changhua County, Taiwan.
  10. Guo, Siao-cing. (2012, November). The power of leisure reading. Paper presented at 2012 the Twenty-first International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. ETA, Taipei.
  11. Guo, Siao-cing. (2012, November). English homework affects vocabulary acquisition of primary children. Paper presented at 2012 IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers (SIG) & Asian Literacy Conference, 41. 2012兒童與青少年英語教學暨 亞洲閱讀研討會National Central Library, Taipei.
  12. Guo, Siao-cing. (2012, July). A comparison study of non-native speakers’ and native speakers’ perceptions toward communicative language teaching. Paper presented at the First Annual International Conference on Language, Literature, and Linguistics (L3 2012). Global Science and Technology Forum, Singapore.
  13. Guo, Siao-cing. (2012, June). Does English homework really matter? Paper presented at the 4 th Conference in Teaching Children English, 1-12. National Hsinchu University of Education, Hsinchu. (06/01-02/2012)
  14. Guo, Siao-cing. (2011, October). What impact does a teacher training program have? Paper presented at 2011 Conference for English Teaching and Learning, National Taipei College of Business, Taipei.
  15. Guo, Siao-cing. (2011, September). Investigating the effects of outside reading on reading tendency, reading speed, and English proficiency. Paper presented at the First Extensive Reading World Congress, Kyoto, Japan. (獲國科會 2011 年補助參加專家學者參加國際研討會, 文號:100-2914-I-141-002_A1)
  16. Guo, Siao-cing. (2011, March). Expanding leaning through out-of-class projects. Paper presented at the 17 th International TESOL Arabia Conference, Dubai, UAE. (獲國立台北商業技術學院 2011 年研究獎補助)
  17. Guo, Siao-cing. (2010, November). Creating authentic English experiences for Taiwan college students. Paper presented at 2010 Conference for English Teaching and Learning, National Taipei College of Business, Taipei.
  18. Guo, Siao-cing. (2010, May). Acquiring real-life English using the passport project. Paper presented at the 2010 Cross College English Language Teaching International Conference: Constructing New Strategies for English Instruction, pp.238-246. Taipei.