邱怡慧 教授 |
研究室 |
承曦樓 816 室 |
電話 |
02-23226605 |
傳真 |
02-23226422 |
florence@ntub.edu.tw |
授課領域 |
發音練習、英語會話、英語聽力與表達、商用英文、英語演講與溝通、英語解說與發表、簡報英文、英文寫作 | |
研究專長 |
專業英文、學術英文、寫作研究、英語發音研究、外語習得、電腦輔助教學 |
國立臺北商業大學應用外語系系主任(2018/8-2021/8, 2023/8-2024/7)
Journal Articles
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2013). Computer-assisted second language vocabulary instruction: A meta-analysis. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44, 2, E52-E56. (SSCI)
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2012). Can film dubbing projects facilitate EFL learners’ acquisition of English pronunciation? British Journal of Educational Technology, 43, 1, E24-E27. (SSCI)
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2011). Exploring non-native science scholars’ perspectives of writing for publication in English. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 20, 3, 469- 476. (SSCI) (NSC 98-2410-H-141-008)
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2010). A Preliminary Analysis of Law Research Article Introductions. English Education and English for Specific Purposes. Taipei: Shih Chien University. (NSC 98-2410-H141-008)
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2009). A task-based approach to teaching conversation—An application of Hot Potatoes. NTCB Foreign Languages & Literature Studies, 70-83.
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2008a). Applying Literature Circles in the EFL Context. Journal of National Taipei College of Business, 14, 157-172.
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2008b). Learners' Views of Using Literature Circles in a College Class. In the Proceedings of 2008 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL and Applied Linguistics, Ming Chuan University, Kweishan, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2008c). Learners’ Perceptions of Task-Based Pronunciation Teaching. In the Proceedings of 2008 Conference on Theory, Research & Teaching in Applied Foreign Languages. Department of Applied English, Jinwen University of Science and Technology, 1-14. (ISBN: 978-986-147-249-2)
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2005). Instructional Implications from an Impromptu Speech Contest. Hwa Kang Journal of English Language & Literature, 11, 134–153.
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2005). An Investigation of the Role of Grammar in ESL/EFL Conversation Textbooks. Northern Taiwan Journal, 28, 377–388.
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2004). The L2 Acquisition of the Coordinating Conjunction “and” in Taiwanese Learners’ Interlanguage at College Level. Asian EFL Journal, 6 (3), 1–20.
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2004). Coaching a Student to Develop Coherence Based upon Topical Structure Analysis: A Case Study. Journal of Language and Learning, 2 (2),154–170.
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2002). Strategy-based Instruction in Listening Comprehension: Theoretical Perspectives. Kuang Wu Journal, 25, 635–653.
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (1997). Female Ideology and Style in Kate Chopin's The Awakening and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper. Chung Chou Journal, 10, 123–153.
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2013). Multidimensional Factors Affecting Video Dubbing Projects in a Foreign Language Classroom. Paper presented at Calico 2013 Conference, U. S. A. (NSC 102-2914-I-141-001-A1). (102 年出席國際會議 計畫主持人)。
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2012). Investigating EFL learners’ perceptions of English pronunciation in Taiwan: An exploratory factor analysis. Paper presented at CLaSIC 2012. December 6-8, 2012, Singapore. (NSC 101-2914-I-141-002-A1). (101 年出席國際會議 計畫主持人)。
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2011). A Genre-based Investigation of Research Article Abstracts and Introductions in Applied Linguistics. Paper presented at 2011 Symposium on Second Language Writing, Taipei. June 9-11, 2011. (NSC 98-2410-H-141-008)
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2011). The effects of a task-based pronunciation approach: An experimental study. Paper presented at 2011 AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics). March 26 – 29, 2011, Chicago, Illinois. (NSC 100-2914-I-141-001-A1) (100 年出席國際會議 語音學 計畫主持人)。
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2010). The Law Research Articles: Structure and Functions. Paper presented at 2010 AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics). March 6 – 9, 2010, Atlanta, GA. (NSC 98-2410-H-141-008)
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2009). Writing for Publication in Peripheral Countries: A Case Study of Taiwanese Multilingual Scholars. Paper presented at 2009 Symposium on Second Language Writing. (2009/11/05 - 2009/11/07) Travel grant: NSC 98-2914-I-141-001- A1 (98 年出席國際會議 計畫主持人) 。
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2021)。初探運用 CLIL 教學法與業師共構跨領域商務談判英語課程教材之成效。 110 年科技部專題研究。
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2017)。翻轉專業英文教室 :初探台灣大學生於專題製作中運用多模態資源提升語言學習與意義建構之成效。 106 年科技部專題研究。
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2013)。探討商管領域學術英文: 文本分析、知識建構及困難與挑戰。102 年國家科學委員會專題研究。(NSC 102-2410-H-141-006-)。
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2011)。探討台灣大學生英語發音感知,學習策略與教學成效。100 年國家科學委員會專題研究。 (NSC 100-2410-H-141-011)。
- Chiu, Yi-hui. (2009)。初探學術法律英文:從文本、寫作者與領域知識談起。98 年國家科學委員會專題研究。(NSC 98-2410-H-141-008)。
- 110年度榮獲國立臺北商業大學產學合作成果績優獎。
- 109 學年度榮獲國立臺北商業大學優良導師獎。
- 97 學年度榮獲國立臺北商業技術學院傑出導師獎。